with this free 30-minute audio

with this free 30-minute audio
To live your Best, Juiciest, most Fun Life you need to access your Authentic, Soul-Inspired Dreams and Goals and learn how to manifest them.

AKA, The Fairy Godmother.
For the last 12 years, I have helped thousands of people in 45 countries around the world get clear on their dreams, visions and goals and how to make them happen.
And in the process, so many of my own dreams and goals have come true – travelling to 41 countries, meeting my soul-mate, being a best-selling author, buying my dream-car, doing this work that I love, getting to surf most mornings, helping others… Plus so much more…
Many of my clients initially started working with me because they knew there was something MORE for them and they had a deep longing to live their best, juiciest most sparkly life!

AKA, The Fairy Godmother.
For the last 12 years, I have helped thousands of people in 45 countries around the world get clear on their dreams, visions and goals and how to make them happen.
And in the process, so many of my own dreams and goals have come true – travelling to 41 countries, meeting my soul-mate, being a best-selling author, buying my dream-car, doing this work that I love, getting to surf most mornings, helping others… Plus so much more…
Many of my clients initially started working with me because they knew there was something MORE for them and they had a deep longing to live their best, juiciest most sparkly life!

When it comes to Dreams and Goals, I find my clients fall into one of 3 categories.

You are “stuck in a rut”, feeling deflated, with no idea what your dreams and goals are.
OR You have so many different dreams and goals, but had no idea where to focus and nothing ever seems to materialise.
OR You have a big dream or goal, but you’re just stuck and getting frustrated in making it happen and you really want to shift to the next level in your life.

Download some of the free resources on this page. Start with the FREE audio – Make 2021 your Best Year Yet

Why are you so Hard on Yourself?
Here's a Meditation Gift for you "Why are we so hard on ourselves? Is this something we learned?" Catherine, one of my students, asked this question in one of my online program groups. "Not Good Enough" is one of the CORE scarcity wounds or beliefs that most...
Holy Smoke! She’s Smudged her way to Living her Dreams
Smudging is burning sacred herbs and using the smoke to clear, cleanse, and create a positive, high vibrational frequency. And Neelou, my long time student of 13 years, has created the life of her dreams and abundance out of smudging and smoke! I first met Neelou in...
What’s a Snake doing on my Vision Board?
It was February 2019; I'd just put the finishing touches on my Dream Map (Vision Board) and was showing it to Geoff. Here it is… (yes, it was a BIG one!) "What's the Guy with the Snake about?" Geoff asked as he looked over my shoulder at the Vision Board. "I've got...
2 Guided Visualisations to Gently set-up your 2022
Normally at the beginning of the year, I’m pretty gung-ho and like a rah-rah cheerleader about making this “Your Best Year Yet!” As a Fairy Godmother, I’ve been teaching people about creating your authentic Dreams & Goals with Soul for over 15 years, but this...
My One Word WISH for you (and me) in 2022…
Jesus really perfected the skill of walking on water, but for me (a mere unenlightened human) surfing is definitely the next big thing.I love the feeling of gliding, sliding and dancing on, with and in the water.It creates a kind of bliss that's hard to describe. ...
Here’s a Reflection Process for you before this year ends…
For the past 15 years, on the last week of every year I do a deep Reflection Process. It is one of my most sacred and powerful rituals. It provides incredible learning, growth and helps me create the year ahead. Now is the PERFECT time to look back on the past year...
2 other ways Reality Kills your Dreams
"Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash, and I'm happy to say I have no grasp of it whatsoever." - The Baron in the film *The Adventures of Baron Munchausen* A couple of days ago I sent you an email about Reality being a Dream Killer.(If you missed...
How you know when your Dreams and Goals are in Trouble…
"I'm an optimist but I'm also realistic," he said.And in that moment I knew his dreams and goals were in trouble and about to be stillborn. Here's an example: You dream of having that abundant life - the house you want, your dream car, the luxurious clothes, the work...
The FUEL for Making your Dreams come True
Whether it’s carrying around a Gratitude Rock, Writing a Daily Gratitude list or thinking about what you’re grateful for while you brush your teeth in the morning – it really works. Gratitude has a very high energetic frequency and thus the ability to create “high...
Thousands of people have worked with the Fairy Godmother to get clear on their dreams & goals and manifest them with ease.
But don’t just take my word for it.

So many Dreams have come true with Fairy Godmother guidance! Here are a few…

Marnita Opperman Lost 40kgs, left corporate life and started her own business.

Ingrid Irsigler From depressed designer to award-winning, global, fashion photographer with her dream, beach cottage.

Faith Mashele Attended Harvard – a dream come true!

Darren MacDonald From corporate life to starting 2 adventure companies and climbing mountains like Everest.

Aneeka Moosa Travelled to the Blue Mosque. And has started an NGO to give back.

Isabella Daly After going through a tumultuous divorce, Isabella manifested the love of her life & married him.

Louis Bolton Dream come true, being an award-winning, documentary film-maker.

Charmain Lines Wrote 2 Books. Travelled for 6 months in Europe. Did a world-class cooking experience. Bought a dream apartment in Spain. Wow!

Tracy Winde From being a full-time mom to starting her own travel company & having lunch with the Dalai Lama.

Yashmita Bhana A new entrepreneur with a big goal. 5 years later she was awarded Business Woman of the Year.

Michelle Thomas From Johannesburg mother to owner of a beautiful retreat Centre in Portugal.

Gosia Miller Manifested beautiful twin girls. A dream come true!
Dig Deeper into the MAGIC! These Links Lead the Way…