by AdminFairyG | Aug 15, 2022 | Articles, Wellbeing
Here’s a Meditation Gift for you For most of my life, I’ve been a “Head-in-the-clouds” and “playing-in-my-imagination-innovation-and-intuition” kind of girl rather than a “Mama-Earth” rooted woman. I’ve never...
by AdminFairyG | Feb 17, 2022 | Articles, Wellbeing
A Valentine’s Day Gift for You Sending you HUGE love on this Valentine’s Day… Whether you “subscribe” to Valentine’s Day or not, this is my REMINDER to you to keep connecting to your Heart and not just your Head, as you go about...
by AdminFairyG | Jan 7, 2022 | Articles, Dream and Goals with Soul, Wellbeing
My One Word WISH for you (and me) in 2022… Jesus really perfected the skill of walking on water, but for me (a mere unenlightened human) surfing is definitely the next big thing.I love the feeling of gliding, sliding and dancing on, with and in the water.It creates a...
by AdminFairyG | Aug 10, 2021 | Confidence, Wellbeing
I’m just back from an unforgettable two week road-trip holiday around Portugal. We visited medieval villages with castles from the 9th century; we picnicked on River beaches; we marvelled at an ancient library; we were enthralled by a chapel made of human bones (yep,...
by AdminFairyG | Jun 24, 2021 | Wellbeing
Stuck? Here are 6 Steps to Shift yourself.. Stuckness.That icky, gooey, “help-I’m-moving-through-treacle” feeling. We ALL get stuck at times; experiencing slumps and troughs. Those times when it feels like NOTHING is happening. You’re in the forest and...
by AdminFairyG | Jul 18, 2020 | Articles, Wellbeing
Why are you so Hard on Yourself? “Why are we so hard on ourselves? Is this something we learned?” Catherine, one of my students, asked this question on one of my online program groups. “Not Good Enough” is one of the CORE scarcity wounds or...