It’s like Google Maps – but BETTER
I was on a speaking tour. Driving around South Africa. I was doing 42 talks and workshops in 2 months. The tour was called “The Flow Experiment” – How to Live in Ease and Flow and hence create your Best, Most Abundant Life.
It was 2014.
I’d only had a smartphone for about 18 months.
Google Maps, while very useful, was a new-ish experience for me – especially on roads and in cities I’d never been to before.
If I didn’t hear the voice giving me the next instruction fast enough, I’d grab the phone and check I was still on track.
You see, I didn’t fully trust it.
As I checked to make sure Google was correct while whizzing down a big highway one sunny afternoon, I realised how similar this is to life and manifesting your dreams.
Having Dreams and Goals for your life give you meaning, purpose and a sense of direction.
Having a big goal that inspires you is like choosing your Destination.
The Goal defines the Destination.
It is like putting your endpoint into Google Maps.
After that, simply focus on the journey and be present HERE, NOW.
And as the Cliché goes: ”Enjoy the journey”.
The way manifesting works is:
1. It’s YOUR job to pick the destination.
2. Life/ God/ the Universe will provide the best way to get you from here to there. Life will send you instructions, clues and signs on how to get there. (Just like a Google Maps)
3. Follow the directions life gives!
Then why do so many people struggle to create and manifest what they really want?
Faith and Trust!
It’s the critical ingredient required.
Trust and Faith that Life will provide exactly the right path to your goal. This is where most people get stuck in creating lives that they want.
You start to stress about HOW to make it all happen yourself
… After an initial bout of faith and trust you start to doubt that Life/ God / the Universe could possibly be in such full support of your dreams and goals.
… If it isn’t happening like you expect it to happen – you’re expecting a straight road, and it’s actually full of twists and turns – you waiver and deeply doubt.
… In the middle of the journey you change your dream and goal because it looks or feels like it’s not happening.
Manifesting is EXACTLY like using your Google Maps.
Once you’ve put in the destination, sit back, enjoy the ride, and simply follow the instructions, trusting they are perfect.
Yes, Google Maps may take you down some roads you aren’t expecting. That’s life!
But it sure knows better than you how to get you to your destination.
If you need some help with Exercising your Faith and Trust Muscle (and it really is a muscle) – here’s a 10 minute Faith Meditation to help >>
On that 2014 Roadtrip, once I realised the parallel between what I teach and my Google Maps, I let go, relaxed, and decided to trust it.
And guess what? I easily and effortlessly arrived at my destinations with no stress. And enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way!
Life’s truly a journey.
P.S. Want to work more with me?
Your Dreams & Goals and Manifesting them
If, like in this story you need some help with getting clear on your soul-led, authentic Dreams and Goals. (Your Destination). Plus practical tools, tips and practices for making manifesting easy and enjoying the journey. I invite you to join my 5 Week Dreams & Goals with Soul Program.
You can start as a self-study today.
Your Money and Finances
Get Started Investing – How to overcome your Fears, Understand Risk and make your First, Simple investment to get you going on your Wealth Journey.
Get started today for only $ 37.
1-on-1 Coaching with Me
Due to many requests this year, I’ve opened up some personal 1-on-1 coaching slots every month. The sessions are 75 minutes.
The content of the sessions will be tailored to your needs. It could be:
- Working on your Dreams, Goals, Vision and Purpose
- Clearing blocks and self-sabotage
- Working on your Money, Personal Finances and Wealth
- Aligning you energetically for manifesting what you want
- Shifting you into your next level of Abundance
- Giving you tools to continue using to create the life of your dreams
- Anything else you feel called to work on with me
Prior to the session, I will send you a set of questions for you to answer, to ensure that you get the most value out of the session.
I only do 4 individual coaching sessions per month.
The Price for a Session is $250.
If you’d like to Book – Click Here
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