Holy Smoke! She’s Smudged her way to Living her Dreams

Smudging is burning sacred herbs and using the smoke to clear, cleanse, and create a positive, high vibrational frequency.

And Neelou, my long time student of 13 years, has created the life of her dreams and abundance out of smudging and smoke!

I first met Neelou in 2009 in New York City. I’d hired a sparse, theatre-audition room in which to facilitate my first Dream Mapping & Goal Setting workshop in the USA. 

The venue was pretty basic. It was what I could afford at the time, and I was on a mission to live my purpose of helping others live their dreams. 

I was delighted to have over 20 New Yorkers on the workshop dreaming and creating their goals in the wake of the 2008 Recession.   
(Many of the workshop participants had recently been retrenched and wondered what was next for their lives.)

Neelou was inspired, enthusiastic and dreaming big. Her creative soul was bursting at the seams to contribute and make a difference. 

Every few years, Neelou does another one of my online programs, so I keep connected to her progress and the magical life that she’s manifested.

For the past 5 years, she’s been running her thriving Smudging Business called SMUDGED. 

Yep, she makes her money from helping people to stay in high vibes and excellent energy alignment through her beautifully crafted products. (Check out SMUDGED on Instagram, where Neelou does ritual and breathwork with clients all over the world.)

Her business is so popular she’s been asked by Penguin Random House to write a book. 

Writing and publishing books was one of her BIG dreams in that Dream Mapping workshop in New York in 2009.  

And the Book is launching NOW!  

It’s called The Art of Sacred Smoke
Energy-Balancing Rituals to Cleanse, Protect, and Empower

If you love doing ceremonies, rituals and a bit of woo-woo – you can support Neelou’s Dream come true by Buying the Hard Copy Book  (Available worldwide but unfortunately not South Africa) or Get the Kindle Version or Get the Audible Version.

I’m super excited because Neelou has included in the book (as one of the rituals) a Future Imagined Memory (FIM) process that I taught her for manifesting her dreams with ease.   

She’s spreading the magic and helping even more people manifest their dreams.  

And that’s one of my dreams come true: that my students encourage and inspire thousands of others to live their dreams. 

What a beautiful circle and cycle. Pure Magic!

Thank you, Neelou, for being brave enough to pursue your wild, joyful, crazy, creative life. 


P.S. Last year, Neelou revised my Money Magic Program to expand her abundance and relationship with money.

This year she did my Dreams & Goals with Soul Program in February because as her book dream comes true, she wants to expand into and create the NEXT chapter in her creative and beautifully woo-woo life.

Watch this 40-second video (from a webinar in February) about her dream coming true and working with me over the past 13 years. 



Dig Deeper into the MAGIC!  These Links Lead the Way…
