What’s a Snake doing on my Vision Board?
It was February 2019; I’d just put the finishing touches on my Dream Map (Vision Board) and was showing it to Geoff.
Here it is… (yes, it was a BIG one!)
“What’s the Guy with the Snake about?” Geoff asked as he looked over my shoulder at the Vision Board.
“I’ve got no idea,” I replied, “It’ll be interesting to see.” Little did I know that 5 months later, it would be crystal clear. (I’ll share it with you later in this email).
The Dreams & Goals with Soul process that I take my students through (and do myself every few years) is profound.
The true, authentic desires from your soul come through in pictures, symbols and words onto cardboard without you even knowing or understanding what most of it means.
And then you have the magical experience of it unfolding over the next few years and surprising, challenging and delighting you.
Your Soul, because it’s connected to Divine Will…
(you may call it Universe/ God/ Allah / Higher Self/ Angels / Guides /Ancestors)
… knows what you need with way more wisdom and magic than your mind (or ego) could ever conceive.
It turns out my Soul knew EXACTLY what it was doing in February 2019, as I created that Dream Map.
Here are the pictures and what has subsequently unfolded in my life…
In February 2019 I was living in the City and I would’ve said I was happy in Cape Town.
But Dream Maps and Soul Desires can work magic quickly, and by 11 April 2019 we’d moved into a magnificent 4 bedroom home in the country on a 1-hectare property. Geoff and I called it the Quirky House.
We experienced a relaxation, connection to nature and deep joy living in the country that I didn’t even know was possible.
And these pictures from my dream map – which I thought merely meant more connection to nature – so brilliantly depict our country life.
I’d also wondered why I had so much sculpture and art on my dream map, as I’m not an “arty girl”. The Riebeek Valley that we moved to has over 50 working artists.
My Soul KNEW even though I didn’t!
My Soul also knew that putting a herd of horses in the top right-hand corner was important. I’m not a horsey person. I’m pretty nervous about horses, yet now I live on a farm in Portugal with 14 horses.
When I stuck this picture down, I thought it was about Leadership and being in Africa. Little did I know that in August of 2019 I’d be visiting Copenhagen to check out doing workshops and retreats in Denmark.
When I stuck these pictures, I was consciously ready to be a Mama and welcome a child, BUT when I created this Dream Map I was 43 and my gynaecologist had already told me clearly that it was highly improbable that at my age I would conceive.
A year and one month after sticking those pictures, my beautiful son Luke was born after natural conception and natural birth.
Let me be clear:
What manifests out of Dream Maps is not always easy, light and sparkly experiences. We live in a world of polarity, so there are challenging experiences too.
And they are always experiences that serve your highest good and move you to the next level of your potential.
One of my biggest challenges came from the words “Being Present” in this part of the Dream Map. I had a desire to be more present, what I had instead was a baptism of fire in having to be present for my son in the first 8 weeks of his life as he screamed non-stop while the rest of the world was in crazy Covid lockdown.
No help, no support, no mother or friends or nanny for support.
Just me and Geoff and a screaming baby. OMG.
It turns out he was allergic to my breastmilk – WTF? Is that even possible?
And I learned to BE PRESENT in a way I’d never been present before.
“Have passport, will travel,” that’s what these pictures represented for me when I created my Dream Map in 2019.
I pasted the words “Portable Wealth” because consciously in my financial life, I wanted to have more money offshore and my wealth to be less focused in South Africa and more “portable”.
I didn’t notice that Spain and Portugal were the countries on the Map.
When COVID hit, all of Geoff’s African Marine Engineering Work disappeared. In November 2020 he said, “We need to go to the UK; there’s a company I can contract to there.”
And I said “Nope. I can’t live in the UK. If we’re going to Europe, it has to be either Spain or Portugal.”
And there it was on my Dream Map all along. In June 2021 we moved to Portugal.
If you’d told me in February 2019, that I’d be moving to Portugal in June 2021, I’d NEVER have believed you.
I can tell you at least 10 other Synchronistic and Serendipitous stories about the pictures on this Dream Map, but this is already a super long email and if you’ve got this far, WOW! Thank you for reading!
The energy of this particular Dream Map is now pretty much done, so it’s high time for me to create a new one.
I will do the process again by following along as a Participant on my Dreams & Goals with Soul 5-week Program that starts on 1 February 2022.
Join me for Dreams & Goals with Soul >>
One of the BIG perks of doing this program is that you get Lifetime access to the program. I run it LIVE once a year, so when it’s time for you to create the next level of your life, you revise with the group.
(If you’re a Dreams & Goals with Soul student and want to revise in February 2022, there’ll be an email in your inbox on Tuesday.)
This program is NOT a “Come and do a Vision Board” program; it’s a program that I’ve refined over 15 years to:
Release the stuff that’s blocking you from getting clear on your Dreams
Deeply connect you to your Soul’s wisdom and magic,
Create your Vision Board from your Soul and Collaboration with the Divine (rather than your mind and ego sticking pictures on a piece of cardboard)
Learn to Align your Body-Mind-Soul so that you create your dreams and goals from a grounded place and manifest them more easily.
And MOST importantly, you’ll learn the steps to follow afterwards to allow the unfolding of the journey of your Dream Map coming true.
And it doesn’t just work for me, it’s worked for thousands of people I’ve worked with since 2005.
Here’s a picture of one of my Student’s Vision boards and short descriptions of how so many of her things came true despite 2021 being a super challenging year for her.
If you feel called to create new Soul-Inspired Dreams and Goals for your Life and embark on the journey of living into them and experiencing the unfolding of your potential…
Join Me for Dreams & Goals with Soul >>
… I’d be honoured to take your hand and be your coach and guide in 2022.
Love, Wishes and Magic
aka Your Fairy Godmother
P.S. And the Snake? What about that Snake?
In July 2019 Geoff and I found out that our Quirky Country House was known as
“Die Slanghuis” by locals – which means “The House of Snakes.”
It wasn’t a metaphor. It was literal.
My backyard was a hectare of untamed bush in Africa, with a river running from the mountain. Both the field mice and the snakes were in bliss.
I didn’t see too many snakes because we luckily also manifested a cat (who belonged to a nearby neighbour) that spent a lot of time at the Quirky House and he kept the snakes in check.
It felt very primal and perfect as my labour pains started to look out the window of our quirky home and see the cat killing a snake.
There’s so much MAGIC, synchronicity and serendipity in life. And when you know the tools to use to tap into that magic, Life becomes filled with wonder and awe.
That’s why I’m inviting you to join me in this Dreams & Goals with Soul process starting 1 February.
Dig Deeper into the MAGIC! These Links Lead the Way…