Here’s a Reflection Process for you before this year ends…
For the past 15 years, on the last week of every year I do a deep Reflection Process. It is one of my most sacred and powerful rituals. It provides incredible learning, growth and helps me create the year ahead.
Now is the PERFECT time to look back on the past year and reflect on what worked for you in 2021, and what didn’t.
There is no point deciding what you want for 2022 or setting any goals until you have reflected on the lessons of 2021 that life has gifted you.
Here is a quick reflection process outlined below plus a guided visualization to help you integrate and complete your 2021.
Doing this process helps you let go of what didn’t serve you and move into ease and “okayness” with whatever transpired.
This is a powerful process to do before you begin choosing what you want for 2022.
The guided visualization also provides a glimpse of a “magical theme” to guide you in 2022.
Download the Guided Visualization Here >>
You’ll need:
- A journal or piece of paper
- At least 30 – 45 minutes for the Reflection Process (I normally take a few hours to do it really in depth)
- 15 minutes for the Visualisation
- Another 10 minutes to Journal about the Visualisation
Reflection Process
Answer these questions, in the order in which they appear.
Don’t move on until you’ve finished each question.
1. My Successes and Celebrations in 2021 – (These can be small or big. Don’t continue until you’ve written at least 10)
2. What didn’t work in 2021?
3. What am I leaving behind in 2021?
4. What am I taking with me into 2022?
5. List any Negative events that happened to you in 2021.
6. Next to each perceived Negative Event list the Good or Blessing that came out of that event
7. Write down 2 or 3 “Key Lessons” from 2021 for you.
8. Finally do the Guided Visualization Process – download it here
Write down any insights after the visualization, plus your Magical Theme.
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