It’s Okay – You’re actually turning into a Diamond

I’m writing to you from a sweaty, clammy Covid infested bed.   It’s been another humdinger of a few weeks with God certainly laughing at all my “plans”.   

A couple of weeks ago I was running my Money & Light Retreat in Portugal and heard the murmuring rumour of this new variant and travel restrictions.
And then our flight back to South Africa for Christmas was cancelled.  Yikes! 😳

So we raced to change plans and came back early and then ka-boom… Luke, my Mom and I have now joined the Covid club.   

There is a word – Perturbation…  
…which I think I’m going to make my hindsight word for 2021.

In Physics, Perturbation is when additional outside PRESSURE gets added to a system.   
And the system can only hold so much energy until under immense pressure it transforms into a NEW system.

Like coal under huge pressure transforming into a diamond.  

What I also find interesting is that the word Perturbation also means – worry, anxiety and mental uneasiness.

All of which is true for this crazy 2021.

2021 seems to be a year that has challenged many people with RADICAL change or loss.

And I just wanted to REMIND you that this is why we PRACTICE – and do personal development and spiritual development work – so that we gather the tools for times like these. 

We’re all human so there are times when we FORGET to use our tools, or don’t feel like it, or sink into despair or procrastination or doubt.

What has always supported me to stay in awareness and keep using the tools is being in community and connecting with others on the same journey.   

I trust that everything is absolutely happening for the best for you (and for me), even though the pressure may feel immense.

You are a sparkly, crazy diamond, or becoming one!


P.S. I’m so excited that within 1 week my Vision 2022 MasterMind Group filled up and sold out… And because there were a number of applicants who wanted to join but missed it, I’ve decided that I will run 2 MasterMind Groups in 2022. 

So if you haven’t applied yet, now is your chance. 

If you want to experience clarity with your dreams and goals, and being in community to keep you accountable and on-track to make them happen – now is the time to apply for the Vision 2022 MasterMind.

It’s an 11 month Mastermind where you get my weekly coaching and guidance to keep you on-track manifesting the life and abundance you REALLY want.   

This program is by Application Only and Applications are Open Now.

Click here for all the details and to apply >>  

Support. Accountability. Guidance. Magic to take you to the Next Level in 2022.




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