It feels like cheating…

Recently one of my Vision2021 Mastermind students lamented:
“What do you mean I can be in Joy on the path to my dreams? What do you mean I should only focus on the things that create ease and joy in my life?
That feels like cheating!
It feels like I should be working hard; otherwise, things aren’t going to happen.”
She is experiencing the classic “Manifesting Myth” that so many of us grew up with – which is:
Do. Have. Be
What do I mean?
When I do the Actions and work really hard, then…
… I’ll get the Results I want and Then…
…I’ll feel – Happy/ Fulfilled/ Peaceful/ Successful/ Abundant – (you fill in the blank.)
In this paradigm – which I call the struggle paradigm – you’re relying on your own input, productivity and actions to create results.
When you do this, you probably also experience stress, struggle and overwhelm. Feelings of hopelessness and failure are also frequent when you don’t achieve your desired results.
Can you relate?
I see this struggle paradigm repeatedly with new students in my programs until I teach them about Magical Manifesting and creating from Abundance. Which is:
Be. Do. Have.
When you FEEL Good/ Abundant/ At Ease/ Safe/ Happy (you fill in the blank)…
…You’ll be inspired to take Action (and do NOT take action until you are inspired)…
…And the results you create will be even better than you imagined!
I call it “Magical Manifesting” because you’re not using your own force, but you’re tuning into the power of the Divine too.
This is the main reason I teach so much about mindset and emotions – so that you can create a BEINGNESS that serves you, your goals, your finances and your experience of abundance.
Yes! You can FEEL joyous and relaxed on the journey of actualizing your goals.
And Yes, it may feel like cheating in the beginning if you’re not used to it.
And Yes, it may take some practice.
And Yes, the practice can be in ease and joy too.
Yours in Magical Manifesting
aka Your Fairy Godmother
P.S. If you want to learn more about Magical Manifesting and experience Beingness you can work with me in person and get my coaching LIVE, on this weekend retreat in the Western Cape.
Body-Mind-Soul Weekend Retreat – Tulbagh, South Africa
This is a Body-Mind-Soul Weekend Retreat to help you nourish yourself and connect back to YOU and what is truly authentic and important in your life.
Rest, rejuvenate and get re-inspired about your life.
Friday 4 June – Sunday 6 June 2021
I can take a maximum of 16 people and my Retreats fill up fast, so please book now.
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