15 years… Wow, Thank you! ️


I’m celebrating 15 years of being a Fairy Godmother. ️🎊🎉🍾

It all started in October 2005 while I was on a sabbatical travel trip in South America.

I had an “epiphany” in a night bus in Argentina that my purpose in life was to be a “Fairy Godmother” – if you don’t know the story, you can read it here >

In the beginning, I had no idea what “being a Fairy Godmother” meant or how it would work, or how I would make money from doing it.  

My friends and family thought I was crazy.

For me, it was such a viscerally inspiring vision that, despite other people’s opinions, I mustered up the courage to do it anyway.

I realised I didn’t need to know the “how” –  with a big Dream and Goal you will NEVER know the “How it will work”.  I simply needed to follow the next step or idea or opportunity in front of me.

Step-by-step I’ve had the most incredible adventure over the past 15 years.

And this adventure would not have been possible without YOU. Thank you for being part of my journey.

Our connection may be a new spark that is just beginning or it may span years and have a depth where your soul and mine have shared life-changing experiences.

I feel so honoured and privileged to be part of your life as you are part of mine.   I appreciate you.

Today I’m celebrating…

  • Living my purpose and passion
  • Being creative and giving my authentic gifts to the world
  • Having a life of great ease and flow – where I get to choose what I do, when I do it, where I do it and who I do it with
  • Being inspired daily by the people and ideas in my world
  • Creating my own, authentic version of success that is deeply fulfilling
  • Being rewarded so abundantly for doing what I love
  • The fulfillment of making an impact and a difference in the world


Living the Life of your dreams is a choice.  It’s a courageous choice. It’s a “not-the-norm” choice.

It’s a choice where you follow the voice of your soul rather than the voices of the people around you. At times it can be a very tough choice.

My biggest celebration today is that 15 years ago I made that choice to follow my dreams. And many times since I’ve re-committed to my dreams despite my doubts and fears. 

Wow!  What a ride! Thank you.

Love, wishes and magic
aka Your Fairy Godmother


P.S. Filled with highs and lows, successes and failures, doubts and triumphs, the past 15 years has been an amazing personal self-actualisation, awareness and transformation journey while impacting thousands of people around the world.

Here are some of the highlights and challenges of the journey… from the “Early Days” until now 😉


2005 – My Fairy Godmother Epiphany Experience on a nightbus in Argentina (this photo taken just as I walked off the bus!)


2006 – I start my “Musings of a Fairy Godmother” Email Newsletter.

My first few Dream Mapping Workshops begin… I was so nervous about being a Fairy Godmother that I didn’t wear wings at my first few workshops.

Challenge:  I was so confronted by many of my friends negative opinons about me following this “crazy” vision that I moved from Cape Town to live in Johannesburg so that I could be “a Fairy Godmother with a fresh start.”



2007 – A weekly Guest on Kevin Fine’s Show on 5FM – we did Crazy Fairy Godmother Antics every Saturday to inspire Listeners.  

Dream Mapping Workshops happen around South Africa and start in the UK!

Challenge:  Trying to work out the business model and the best way to make money by following my purpose and passion.



2008 Amazing Press in Magazines, Radio and on TV as I do my Dream Mapping Workshops in South Africa, the UK and Germany.  

I get approached by Random House to write a book. (Writing a book is a big, personal dream come true).

Challenge:  Getting over my fears about not being “good enough” to write a book.  Working through my “money beliefs” and blocks particularly around being Spiritual OR Wealthy.


2009 –  The Launch of my First Book – The Fairy Godmother’s Guide to Getting What you Want.   (Which goes on to become a Best-seller in South Africa).

In this year I start running my first ONLINE Program –  the 12 week Growing Wings Program. 

I do my workshops for the first time in the USA and Botswana.

Challenge:  Getting Bookstores to stock the book and give it great shelf space.  I did so many personal visits to bookstores around South Africa taking the staff “Fairy Godmother Bubbles” and chatting to them about the book.  (My huge gratitude to Exclusive Books in Hyde Park, Sandton and East London for being amazing advocates of the book.)

Still working through my Money Beliefs and practices to make the business financially sustainable.

At the end of 2009 I get pneumonia and I very seriously consider giving-up on being a Fairy Godmother.



2010 – South Africa gets swept up in World Cup fever.  I put on my patriotic South African Wings and keep spreading magic through workshops, on radio and the online Growing Wings program.  

The Fairy Godmother Community starts with and amazing tribe of Daring Dreamers supporting each other with their dreams and goals.

Challenge:  Learning to “Pay myself first” and not do so many talks for free which creates a turnaround in the finances of the business.



2011 –  The first Money Magic online program begins and I go around the country with Destiny Magazine doing the Money Magic Seminars. 

I spend 3 months over winter living in the Dominican Republic.  I learn to surf which becomes a life passion. I really love being a “digital nomad” – even though I’m not sure that phrase existed then 😉

I continue to run Dream Mapping Workshops and my Growing Wings Online program.

Challenge: A personal one: I now really want to manifest a partner to share my life with.  All my personal manifesting efforts seem to result in lots of “frogs” but no “princes” 🙁

At times in 2011 self-doubt creeps in as my inner-voice wonders if I “should get a real job?”



2012 –  Timea joins the Fairy Godmother Team and becomes a instrumental part of the MAGIC. 

I move from Johannesburg to live in Cape Town.

Challenge: The Cape Town winter… OMG it makes feel a bit down and depressed in 2012.


2013 – Amazing Dreams & Goals Workshops for Corporate Clients.  We run our first ever Weekend Retreats to teach people about Living in Flow. 

The Fairy Godmother Community is still running strong and supporting people to actualise their dreams.

Timea and I buy a property and create a shared workspace in Cape Town which we call the Inspiration Playground.

I spend the winter months living in Durban and surfing.

The 21 day Gem and Out of Fear into Fabulousness Programs are created.

Challenge:  Still “desperately trying” to manifest a great relationship.  At the time I didn’t realise how much the “desperation part” was what stopped it from manifesting.



2014 – I manifest the Love of my Life  – Geoffrey 🙂   

Timea and I co-create and launch the Flow Experiment online program – which later becomes the Flow Experience.

Challenge:  Breaking my Collarbone – which incidently turned into a huge blessing because it sparked my relationship with Geoff.

Loads of competitiors come into the Shared Office market place and the Inspiration Playground battles to have enough tenants.   This “new business” splits our focus and so we decide to sell the property.

The lesson is that knowing when to quit is as important as knowing when to continue.



2015 – I run the first Facilitators Training, training other people to run Dream Mapping and Goal Setting Workshops.  

In total 27 people in 5 countries are now facilitators of this Dreams and Goals Work.  

I spend some weeks of winter in Durban to write my second book – this time a novel.

I turn 40 with a weekend filled with amazing celebrations with friends and family.

Challenge: I can’t really remember any big challenges during this year, it was one of the best years of my life.

There were a few feelings of “not good enough” while writing the next book.



2016 – Thousands of people inspired through workshops, seminars, retreats, webinars and online programs.  

Plus I collaborate with 2 of my favourite colleagues Kagiso Msimango and Shannon Walbran on an event called Sex, Money and Angels.

A great year as the work and business flourishes and grows.

Challenges: I can’t remember any big ones in this year.



2017 –  Financial Flow for Entrepreneurs launches as a new Online program to help Entrepreneurs with their finances. 

I start the Master Manifesters Program, an invitation only program, to work with 12 of my top Success Story clients to catapult them to the next level.

Amazing Money Magic Seminars in 13 cities across the country.

Timea and I consciously choose to end our business partnership.  We do it amicably with awareness, gentleness and kindness for ourselves and each other.  This is one of the things I am most proud of in my whole career.

Challenges:   A very close friend, teacher and colleague passes and I experience a deep process of grief.


2018 – The Dreams & Goals with Soul 5 week online program launches for the first time.

I run the Financial Confidence Conference in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

I facilitate my first 7-Day retreat in Portugal at a retreat centre that one of my long-time clients, Michelle Thomas, manifested as her BIG dream come true.

Invited to join amazing speakers – Robin Banks, Ann Wilson, Scott Picken – and speak at the Wealth Mastery Weekend to over 700 people.

Challenges: A Really CHALLENGING year for me.   A whole lot of scarcity fears, beliefs and blocks arise for me – largely sparked by Day Zero in Cape Town (the threat of water running out). 

Due to my mindset there is a big downturn in my business finances.  I make loads of business and friendship mistakes.

I go to hospital 3 times for weird things like a spider bite and food poisoning.

I take 2 months to consider whether I want to continue Fairy Godmother-ing.  The soul-answer is a big YES.


2019 – I run my seminars, retreats and online programs with renewed vigour after having made a conscious CHOICE to continue.

I launch the 7 Levels of Abundance program –  a new, deep level of body-mind-soul work –  inspired by the challenging year of 2018.  An amazing group of pioneering students create awe-inspiring shifts in their lives over our 7 months together.

Geoff and I move to our Quirky Country House.  We love it.   I fall pregnant during Sacral Chakra month on the 7 Levels of Abundance. 

At the end of 2019 I run my Reflect Reset Retreats at my Quirky Country House.

Challenges:  None. 


2020 – I chose to “drop” wearing the wings – did you notice? 😉

I start the Vision2020 MasterMind – an 11 month program for students who want to be accountable to living and achieving their dreams.

My other online programs are filled with amazing participants getting incredible results.  

I have an amazing team around the world – Henriette, Belle, Tin, Vasti,  Meike, Carrie-Anne and Francois – thank you, thank you for all your support of the magic.

At the age of 44 – a big dream come true – I give birth to my son Luke in March 2020, a week before lockdown.

I feel very blessed to have an online business and that I can create a lovely work/life balance of doing this work half days and being a present mother for Luke.


Challenges:  Luke being really ill for the first 8 weeks.  Geoff and I being really challenged in our relationship during lockdown with a sick baby.  Geoff’s business disappearing due to Covid19 and his inability to travel.


2021 – More Magic to come… Thank you for being part of it!  Watch this Space 😉

PS. I would love to hear back from you – leave your thoughts in the comments below!







Dig Deeper into the MAGIC!  These Links Lead the Way…
