This Made Me Cry

On  my Dreams & Goals with Soul Community and Money Magic Community – one of my students in Europe posted this.

It made me cry… because of the profound privilege of holding space for this kind of transformation work with the incredible students, like you, that I get to work with around the world. 

And because of the generous support that you give to each other.  Thank You!  I appreciate you.

Here’s the full message, so you can read it…

Hi everyone. Just a little message from the coal front.

I did Donna McCallum ‘s Money Magic course 4 years ago, I did Dreams and Goals 3 years ago. These courses have changed my life.

I’d like to share with you the following….

This last week has been one of the craziest in my life.  Last week my mother in hospital from a heart attack, underwent heart surgery (she is well and thriving hoorah) and I’ve been in the centre of the chaos of Europe with 20 passengers (I’m a tour guide for work) when borders  shops, restaurants and airports being shut around us.

I had to fly out of Munich, change flights and rearrange my life.

I’m now unemployed until further notice as my tour had to come to an end due to us not being able to operate in these circumstances. My stocks are down, a disease is taking over. And it seems the whole world has gone mad.

I should be stressed, I should be worried , I should be panicked. BUT I REFUSE to be these things.

I will be honest – I am tempted to go into regret about previous spends, panic, worry, fear, hopelessness BUT I know these will not help or make me feel good.

So today I will have a GOOD day. Today I do something NICE for someone else. Today I will SUPPORT someone else in a financial crunch, today I will be GRATEFUL for what I do have. Today I will APPRECIATE my Blessings (because there are soooooooo many) today I will make sure I only buy ENOUGH and not more than I need for I live in TRUST and FAITH and not in lack and worry!

Today I KNOW that my inner being has my back, that my co-creator is walking with me. I am not alone!

These lessons are in these times INVALUABLE! Yes it has been tough at times this last week, yes it has been hard but remember…. EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS OK!

Ladies and gentleman I urge you now more than ever. DO the course work, practice the mantras, work on your POSITIVE talk/thoughts and actions and be the LIGHT, the LOVE this world needs. Use your tools to step into EASE! And remember it is ALL a GAME.

I will be returning to South Africa and if anyone needs help, support JUST ASK – I’ll be using this time for self improvement and to help others.

Stick with the exercises and the modules – Trust me – they changed my life!! THANK you Donna I know I wouldn’t be in such calm at this time without you and your teachings!


Karin Reum


During this time, I’d LOVE to share with you the kinds of “tools” and “lessons” Karin talks about above.

I have a FREE video Training series of 4 Videos to help you learn about EASE and your Dreams & Goals despite your current reality.

And if you want to Join an AMAZING, resilient, loving and supportive community of people who are committed to EASE, Faith, Trust and Creating Abundant Lives that they LOVE  (despite the external or world circumstances)…

While also being supported with practical tools, meditations and exercises on how to manifest your Authentic, Soul-Led Dreams & Goals.

Join the Dreams & Goals with Soul Program and Community Today Here >>

And if you are already a student of any of my programs, please JUMP back into the private online Groups for the programs and share your inspirations, “stuckness” or anything and get supported there.  (As you probably know I am on maternity leave… but the rest of the community will provide amazing love and support).   

Wishing you ease and focusing on your faith and trust during this time.




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